
Luís Cruz [ Research | Publications | Teaching | Blog ]

My primary research focuses on Green AI and Green Software. I work on establishing techniques, guidelines, and practices to ensure the development of energy-efficient AI systems is straightforward and accessible, without requiring specialized expertise.


You can check some of my publications in this page or in my academic profiles: Google Scholar, dblp, orcid.

Media coverage

List of news articles covering my research.


‘Factura de electricidade para treinar e usar sistemas de IA é uma brutalidade’. 2024

Notícias Magazine

‘A IA não terá emoções. Pelo menos como as conhecemos’. 2024

Diário de Notícias

‘Por cada 30 interações com o ChatGPT, meio litro de água evapora-se’. 2024


‘ENTREVISTA: É preciso “evangelizar” sobre ‘software’ verde como IA’. 2024


‘Pode haver uma Green AI? Investigador português defende que sustentabilidade é obrigatória’. 2024

Vrij Nederland

AI is een oplossing én een probleem voor klimaatverandering?. 2024


Hoeveel water en energie gebruikt uw favoriete chatbot?. 2024

Red Pers

AI-expert Luís Cruz: ‘De efficiëntie van AI wordt afbetaald met grote ecologische voetafdruk’. 2024

TU Delft Stories

Sustainable artificial intelligence: from ChatGPT to green AI. 2023

Dutch TV news Nieuwsuur

Kunstmatige intelligentie vreet stroom, één opdracht hetzelfde als een uur een lamp aan.
TV report and online article. 2023

Zorgen over de negatieve gevolgen van AI voor de mensheid waren er al, maar nu blijkt dat Artificiële Intelligentie ook enorm veel stroom kost. Daarmee is het ook een probleem voor het klimaat. #Nieuwsuur

— Nieuwsuur (@Nieuwsuur) May 31, 2023

EnvironmentalVariables, episode 8, talking about Green Software education. 2022

Branch Magazine

Green Software Development Is The Only Software Development We Need. 2022


Build environmental sustainability into your development teams 2021


I have/had the privilege of working with wonderful students:

PhD students

Arumoy Shome

(TU Delft) Engineering Artificial Intelligence in the Wild. Ongoing. Graduating in 2025.

Lorena Poenaru-Olaru

(TU Delft) Concept drift adaption for AIOps. Ongoing. Graduating in 2025.

Eileen Kapel

(TU Delft) Incident Management in Large Fintech Organisations. Ongoing.

Santiago del Rey

(UPC Barcelona Tech) Green AI. Ongoing. Graduating in 2027.

MSc students

Otto Kaaij

Greening Space Engineering Software. Ongoing.

Thijs Nulle

Lowering Carbon Emissions within AI Models. Ongoing.

Enrique Barba Roque

Investigating energy hotspots with Docker and Tracing. Ongoing.

Wander Siemers

Energy testing in Mobile Software. June 2024

Koen Hagen

E-Compare: Energy Regression Testing for Software Applications. June 2024

Natália Struharová:

Approximated Computing in Continuous Integration Pipelines. May 2024

Rover van der Noort

Sustainability of Edge AI at scale. May 2024

Rens Hijdra

Measuring up to stability: Guidelines towards accurate energy consumption measurement results of Rust benchmarks. With Simula Research Lab. May 2024

Dyon van der Ende

Catalog of Energy Patterns for Websites. April, 2024

Sara Regali

Green Quantization. April 2024

Mihai Anton

Minimize experimentation overhead through dataset selection, approximated pipeline execution using proxy models, and data collection feedback. May 2024

Nienke Nijkamp

GreenAI for Deep Learning Ensembles. With Deloitte. April 2024

Joost Göbbels

(TU Delft) Hawkes processes for large scale service systems. With AI4FintechING September 2023

Abel Van Steenweghen

(TU Delft) EasyCompress – Automated Compression for Deep Learning Models, July 2023.

Erik Blokland

(TU Delft) EDATA: Energy Debugging And Testing for Android, June 2023.

Ching-Chi Chuang

(TU Delft) How to remove dependencies from large software projects with confidence. With ING. August 2022.

Niels Bauman

(TU Delft) Building a generalisable ML pipeline at ING, July 2022.

Haiyin Zhang

(TU Delft) Automated Detection of Code Smells for Machine Learning Applications, July 2022.

Nils Hullegien

(TU Delft) Detecting anti-patterns in a MSA using distributed tracing, July 2022.

Niek van der Plas

(TU Delft) Detecting PII in Git commits, July 2022.

Tim E. R. Yarally

(TU Delft) Green AI, July 2022.

Bart Ziengs

(TU Delft) A Human-In-the-Loop System for Interpreting Image Recognition Models, June 2022.

Bart van Oort

(TU Delft) Engineering Best Practices for Machine Learning projects, October 2021.

Yuanhao Xie

(TU Delft) AI Model Lifecycle Management: Systematic Mapping Study and Solution for AI Democratisation, November 2020.

Ricardo Morais

(IST) Automatic refactoring for energy efficiency in continuous integration pipelines, September 2020.

Mark Haakman

(TU Delft) Studying the Machine Learning Lifecycle and Improving Code Quality of Machine Learning Applications, July 2020.

Pedro Gomes

(IST) Detecting User Sessions and Inferring User Satisfaction in the Context of a Search Engine for Legislative Contents, December 2019.


Best Paper Award

CAIN, 2023.

Most Influential Paper Award

MOBILESoft, 2023.

Distinguished Reviewer Award

MSR, 2023.

Cum Laude

MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Computer Science, University of Porto 2019.

Best Presentation Award

BENEVOL, The 18th Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop, 2019.

Best Paper Award

CIbSE XXI Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, 2018.

Academic Excellence Award

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 2008.

© 2024 Luís Cruz.