Measuring Software Energy Consumption

Comparing Energy and Power consumption of different container runtimes
By Joey de Water, Leon de Klerk, Merlijn Mac Gillavry, Valentijn van de Beek .
In this post we compare energy and power consumption of different container runtimes. We show that atleast in our tests there is not a significant difference in energy and power consumption between…

Comparing Energy Consumption of Integrated Development Environment
By Rutger Doting, Nils van den Honert, Zeger Mouw .
Integrated development environments (IDEs) play a key part in the current software development landscape. However, very little is known about the energy consumption of these IDEs. This makes it dif…

Comparison of Power Usage of Programming Languages
By Elias Stenhede Johansson, Gustav Leth-Espensen, Florian Ecker-Eckhofen, Gustav Emil Nobert .
abstract Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco labo…

Saving energy by compiling LaTeX in the cloud, or not?
By Otto Kaaij, Cathrine Paulsen, Sara Op den Orth, Michelle Schifferstein .
Whether you want to save the environment or save your battery, how can you best compile your LaTeX files? This is the question we will try to answer in this blog post. Measuring energy consumptions…

Spotify Streaming and Downloading Energy Consumption
By Louise Leibbrandt, Nienke Nijkamp, Gaspar Rocha, George Vegelien .
In this study we tested the power consumption of Spotify when streaming a song vs playing a downloaded song.

The Effect of Different Power Profiles on Energy Consumption and Runtime Performance in Machine Learning Applications
By Rover van der Noort, Martijn Smits, Remy Duijsens, Dajt Mullaj .
Training neural networks is a daily task for AI engineers. In this study, we evaluate the effects of different power profiles on the performance and energy consumption of a neural network training …

Comparing the Energy Consumption of Web Frameworks
By Ole Peder Brandtzæg, Aaron van Diepen, Rolf Piepenbrink & Jasper Teunissen .
Extending TechEmpower’s benchmarks with energy consumption measurements.

Title of the template blog
By Student1 first and last name, Student2, Student3 .
abstract Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco labo…

Energy consumption analysis of your favourite python data analysis packages
By Ivor Zagorac, Philippe de Bekker, Merel Steenbergen, Sebastien van Tiggele .
A comparison of the energy efficieny of often-used python packages

How to contribute

To add a new article, follow the instructions below:

  1. Fork the repo of the website on Github:
  2. Create a new markdown file inside the directory 2023/p1_measuring_software
    • Use the following filename format: g<group_number>_<1/2meaningful_keywords>.md
    • Use the file has a template
    • If you want to add images, add it to 2023/img/p1_measuring_software/g<group_number>_<1/2meaningful_keywords>/
  3. Commit, Push.
  4. Submit a pull request.

Before submitting the pull request, you should test whether your file is rendering properly in the website. The easiest way to check it is by running the docker container, as instructed in the Github Readme.

Your page should be listed here: http://localhost:4000/course_sustainableSE/2023/literature_review

If you don’t want to deal with jekyll, you can do it the slow and expensive way: 1) enable github pages in your fork repo 2) check your the deployed page. (I don’t recommend it, though)

Note: let me know if you run into any issue or if there’s any step you think should be explained here.