
Luís Cruz [ Research | Publications | Teaching | Blog ]

Leafactor: Improving Energy Efficiency of Android Apps via Automatic Refactoring

Authors: Luis Cruz, Rui Abreu and Jean-Noel Rouvignac

Published in: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, MobileSoft 2017.

Abstract: Leafactor is a tool to automatically improve the energy consumption of Android apps. It does so by refactoring the source code to follow a set of patterns known to be energy efficient. The toolset was validated using 222 refactorings in 140 open-source apps. Changes were submitted to the original apps by creating pull requests to the official projects.

Bibtex (copy):
@INPROCEEDINGS{cruz2017leafactor, author={Cruz, Luis and Abreu, Rui and Rouvignac, Jean-Noël}, booktitle={2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft)}, title={Leafactor: Improving Energy Efficiency of Android Apps via Automatic Refactoring}, year={2017}, pages={205-206}, doi={10.1109/MOBILESoft.2017.21}}

Read me: DOI: 10.1109/MOBILESoft.2017.21. 🪧Slides. 🎥Video.